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by DD ( @glowyfaceintheshadow)

beauty mineral - Silica
healthy gut for anti-aging, gut health, SEED probiotics, the best prebiotics

Wondering why everywhere is such a buzz lately going on around the healthy microbiome importance? Health experts and scientists has discovered that 70% of our immune system (it´s really a lot!) depends of our Gut. The "gut " is considered the core of your body´s overall health and wellbeing that can affect your entire body, including digestion, skin, brain, and even, how fast your body ages! In this article, I share what I've found in my search for the latest scientific research on the role of the gut microbiome in anti-aging + why SEED is the best pre-probiotic supplement at the time.

Since there's a lot to unpack when it comes to the impact of the microbiome on overall health, I'll keep it super simple. Everything that enters our body mainly comes in the form of air and drink/food. Air goes in one direction and everything that needs to be digested goes in another. And here, the digestive system plays a crucial role, making sure everything is properly filtered, what is beneficial and what is not.

17 anti-aging skincare tips, the best anti-aging skincare tips, aesthetic skincare photography

ARgENTUM `les parfums infinis` Kind To Skin & Hair Luxury Alcohol-free Fragrance LOVER | AD

Argentum Apothecary fragrance LOVER
Argentum Aºpothecary fragrance LOVER

Luxury British skincare brand, Argentum Apothecary, where science meets poetry and magic is in the air, recently launched the most unique alcohol-free eaux de parfums collection. An enchanting collection, that includes 13 different, kind to skin and hair unisex fragrances; where each scent unveils its own character and message - a magical archetype energy.

While I feel connection with few of Argentum collection's scents and archetypes, the LOVER fragrance has my heart and is one of a kind for me... But before I tell you everything about the perfume I have chosen for me, let me share you first about this all-so-magical fragrance collection called les parfums infinis. Is this collection as fabulous as their silver infused skincare range?



I exclusively recommend/talk-about products I love and have tried myself. Most of the products mentioned/showcased on my blog or social media are purchased by me or gifted by the brands.

If a product is sent to me for promotion, it will be mentioned on the blog post with asterisk* and will share my honest and genuine opinions only.

This website may contain some affiliate marketing links, which means I may get paid commission on sales in case the product is purchased through my link.

Non of my content is influenced by advertisers, distributors, affiliate partnerships or brands.

Any posts paid for by a brand will be marked as AD in the title. An AD means that a brand has paid me for my time, effort and coverage, and provided me with a number of key messages that they would like to convey to my audience. I only agree to an AD if I am happy with the key messaging and feel it’s both truthful and relevant to my readers.

​I am healthy anti-aging enthusiast, not a nutritionist nor dermatologist. Therefore, you might want to clarify some things with a specialist first, especially if you have a specific health or skin problem.

If you have any further questions on the way that I disclose please do contact me via the contact page and I’ll be happy to answer and to take on board your suggestions, alternatively you can find me on INSTAGRAM

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